Kleber DGT
Patrick Kehren2025-01-12T11:34:14+00:00DGT SolventGlue® Der DGT SolventGlue ist entwickelt worden,um eine schnelle Verbindung zwischen Plexiglas ohne viel Aufwand zu realisieren. Folgende Sorten führen wir: DGT SolventGlue (Glues without UV Lamp and without Investments) DGT SolventGlue EC.00 |1000cc| V00| Solvent Glue Capill+ DGT SolventGlue EC.0 |1000cc|V0| Capillary Solvent Glue DGT SolventGlue EC.5 |1000cc|V5| Filler Solvent Glue DGT SolventGlue EC.7 |1000cc|V7| highly Filler Solvent Glue DGT SolventGlue L.1 |1000cc|V1| Capillary Solvent Glue for Laser Cut DGT SolventGlue L.3 |1000cc|V3| Filler Solvent Glue for Laser Cut DGT SolventGlue PC.00 |1000cc|V00| for Polycarbonate and PETG Weitere Klebstoffe für den Professionellen bereich haben wir auf Mehrkomponeneten Basis aufgebaut. Dieses Spart Zeit beim Anmischen und senk die Produktionskosten. Auszug aus unserem Lieferprogramm Professional Choice ™UV DeskGlueTech: ® DGT FastGlue® and PowerGlue®(the Glues require our UV Source: ®DGT Easy UV280, or ®DGT Super UV560 or®DGT SuperLight UV560, or ®DGT Mini HandHold UV280) Our Glues Techniques and Glues are registered trademarks everywhere in the world and developed by Emanuele Lupi to obtain ideal results in working with Methacrylate, optimizing times and costs to obtain excellent gluing if compared to traditional methods. DeskGLueTech™ can be bought step by step according to each investment plan choosing between different buying solutions: Glue ©DGT SolventGlue without ant investment in UV lamps, Glue ©DGT PowerGlue and ©DGT FastGlue investing in a special program of special UV Lamps produced by us for every operative need. Every glue comes with new safety schedules (MSDS UE 1907/2006 ) and certifications (IATA / ADR / IMO - 4G/Y7/S/14) to ease all kinds of transportation.